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2003 Nov 4 :: West End Public School District RE-2 :: Statutory 3A[see summary of question below] See summary »

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At the present time, the West End Public School District is organized into five director districts. One member of the Board of Education resides within each of these districts, although each board member is elected in accordance with state law by a vote of all the electors in the school district (at-large). A description of the boundaries of each director district is on file in the administrative office and is available for public inspection.

The Board of Education believes that it is the responsibility of each member of the board to
represent the interest of the district as a whole. Eliminating the director district plan of
representation would remove the requirement that a school director reside within the boundaries of the director district he/she represents.

The Board of Education, in accordance with Colorado law at C.R.S. 22-31-105(6), proposes to eliminate the director district plan of representation and replace such plan with an at-large plan of representation. The board, by a resolution adopted at its July 22, 2003 meeting, will submit this question to the registered electors of the school district at the election on November 4, 2003.

The ballot question shall allow the registered electors to either vote in favor of or against the proposed at-large plan of representation. The secretary of the Board of Education shall publish notice of this question on the ballot in accordance with state law.

If the majority of the votes cast at the election are for the proposed at-large plan of representation, the plan shall become effective upon the canvass of election returns. Subsequent vacancies and the election of school directors at any subsequent regular biennial school election shall be at-large which eliminates the requirement that directors reside within particular director districts.

If the majority of the votes cast at the general election are against the proposed at-large plan of representation, the school directors shall continue to be elected or appointed as provided under the existing director district plan of representation.

This proposal shall have no effect on the length of the terms of office of school directors.

2003 Nov 4 :: West End Public School District RE-2 :: Statutory 3A[see summary of question below] See summary »

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